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Ana Luísa Gonçalves

Bachelor's and Master's degree in Physics and Chemistry | Aromatherapist

She has a degree and master's degree in Physics and Chemistry. She is a professional teacher and accredited teacher trainer and has also held various positions in public and private schools and training institutes since 2003. She has developed projects
national and international and produced scientific publications in the areas of education and science.

The pleasure in investigating and uncomplicating science led her to discover the area of well-being with a global focus on the body, soul and spirit triad, combining will, wisdom and love, with the greatest awakening in 2016, after a process of self-knowledge and self-healing. Quantum physics, the ancient medicine Ayurveda, integrative medicine, holistic nutrition, healthy eating, meditative practices and, more recently, the philosophy of yoga, are the tools that emerged from an inner invitation and that now strengthen it. and prepare it for sharing.

Appreciate and enjoy the sea, nature, reading, painting and dancing. Passionate about combining science with spirituality, she added the professional aromatherapy course in 2022, simplifying the world of essential oils. These skills allow you to put into practice your desire to get closer to people, sharing and proposing natural and balanced solutions, with scientific certainty. Honor, especially as an aromatherapist, your flag - aromatherapy, bridge between medicines! – with the transmission of knowledge, with holistic counseling, to restore physical and emotional balance or to enhance individual and collective well-being.


In this aromatherapy consultation you will have:

  • Personalized counseling (individual physical and mental assessment – Ayurveda);

  • Scientific application (biochemistry and its interaction with the organism) ;

  • Holistic Approach (physical, energetic and spiritual body – Ayurveda Diet,
    Aromatherapy, Quantum Physics) ;

  • Integrative approach (complementary to conventional medicine);

  • Close monitoring (possible changes in therapy);

  • Aromatic Therapy (test and application process);

  • Aromatherapy is a multifaceted therapy and will allow you to:
    - Reestablish your physical and mental body and enhance individual and collective well-being.

The aromatherapy consultation will respond to various pathologies/situations, such as:

  • Everyday problems (feverish states, burns, headaches, daily fatigue, difficulty falling asleep, insect bites... creation of a natural pharmacy   SOS) ;

  • Flow of energy, courage, vitality and motivation ;

  • Focus, memory and concentration;  

  • Dermal problems, psoriasis, burns;

  • Acute pain, chronic pain, inflammation;

  • Viral, fungal and bacterial infections;

  • Asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, respiratory diseases, allergies, flu and colds;

  • Pediculosis, herpes, athlete's foot;

  • Candidiasis, dysmenorrhea, urinary infection;

  • Hormonal and metabolic problems;

  • Circulatory problems (varicose veins, bruises…);

  • Joint and muscle problems (muscle tension or pain);

  • Own devaluation, losses;

  • Eating disorders;

  • Digestive problems (constipation, diarrhea, leaky gut, cramps…);

  • Addictions, detox;

  • Depression, psychiatric illnesses, acute and chronic stress, anxiety, fears, phobias;

  • Autoimmune diseases;

  • Hyperactivity;

  • Insomnia;

  • Combat aging;

  • Palliative care, dementia;

  • …and other situations.

Important: Bring your recent medical exams.
Note: The recommended OE and OV are not included in the consultation fee.

Do you want to live in natural harmony and balance?
Make an appointment with us.


Monday to Friday

9:00am - 2:00pm | 5.30pm - 8.30pm

Saturday 9:00am - 1:00pm

Sunday: 4.30pm - 7.00pm


Tel. +351 282 484 256

Telm. + 351 925 455 725

E-mail:  Studio:


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