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Meet The Team


David Coelho

Manager & Travel Dpt.

With a degree in Tourism, with more than 22 years of experience in the Hospitality Industry, he felt with his Companion and wife to open his own accommodation, with a yoga studio, the main skills of Sílvia. He organizes trips to India, his second home every year. Every year together with Silvia, they travel to India with groups for spiritual and therapeutic purposes


Silvia Duarte

Manager & Yoga Instructor

With several degrees in Yoga, she is the main teacher at Villa Prana. From an early age committed to the well-being of physical body, 15 years ago, this purpose was combined with her mental and spiritual body. Married in India, she travels annually through Nepal, Thailand, Tibet, being passionate about animals.



Joy & Simpathy

He joined Villa Prana team in February 2019, rescued from a kennel. He had never been adopted, and his life changed 180º.
He shows his gratitude on a daily basis, sharing it with Joy and Sympathy to those who visit him
More than a Family Member

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Cristiane Krás Borges

Osteopath & Fisitherapist

Physiotherapist for 30 years and training in Osteopathy in Brazil, she also has experience as a professor of physiotherapy and osteopathy. Its therapeutic approach is based on the concept of body-mind-spirit wholeness through manual osteopathic treatment of people from birth to advanced adulthood. For Cristiane, each person is unique and deserves all your dedication and knowledge in the pursuit of quality of life.



Therapeutic Yoga Instructor







Diogo Eloi

Pilates Instructor

Pilates teacher, graduated in Physical Education, applies his knowledge in class in order to optimize the exercises according to the physical condition of each student. In its classes diverse material is used, from Swiss ball, elastic bands, among others giving an attractive dynamic to them.


Ana Clemente

Physiotherapist | Clinical Pilates

Graduated in Physiotherapy at Universidade Atlântica in Lisbon since 2012. With clinical practice since 2013, recently more focused on hydrotherapy and clinical pilates group classes, promoting physical and emotional well-being. Her patients are carefully and individually monitored.

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Dr. Paulo Meira (PhD)

Ayurveda Medicine Consultations

Doutorado em Sânscrito (Ayurveda) na Tilak Maharashtra University (Pune, Índia) e é professor de Sânscrito e Ayurveda na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (e outras escolas). Viajou regularmente para a Índia para estudar e aprofundar os seus conhecimentos e tem o Curso de Medicina Ayurvédica (4 anos).
As suas áreas de investigação incluem o Dravyaguna (Farmacologia Ayurvédica/Plantas Medicinais Ayurvédicas em Portugal) e os vestígios do Ayurveda na obra de Garcia de Orta.

É autor de vários livros e artigos

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